ホーム > 第18回 高校生国際美術展 > 第18回 懇親会の様子


Get-acquainted reception

 表彰式の合間に、皆さんお待ちかねの、懇親会が おこなわれました。日本の高校生たちも、積極的に 海外の高校生と交流を楽しんでいました。
 The much anticipated reception took place alongside the awards ceremony, where the Japanese students actively enjoyed mingling with the students from overseas.


 表彰式の翌日、日本の上位入賞者と海外の受賞者の計30 名を招待し、国際交流ツアーを行いました。最初に 訪れたのは、小田原です。日本高校生、海外高校生の、それぞれが用意していた名刺を交換し、ここから、本格 的な国際交流がスタートします。
The day after the awards ceremony, a total of 30 students (the top Japanese award winners and all overseas winners) were invited on the International Exchange Tour.
The first destination was Odawara, where the Japanese and overseas high school students exchanged the business cards that they had prepared, kicking off the international exchange.

At 7 o'clock in the morning the bus departed Shinjuku and headed to Odawara Castle.

その後、一行は「箱根神社」へ向かいました。海外 高校生たちは、日本の伝統文化に興味津々…。それ ぞれが作法にのっとり、心静かに参拝しました。
The group then went to Hakone Shrine. The high school students from overseas displayed great interest in Japan's traditional culture. Everyone followed the proper etiquette and offered silent prayers.

Farewell party and Japanese cultural exchange

The farewell party featured a delicious Italian cuisine buffet, during which the Japanese students enjoyed teaching the students from overseas some Japanese cultural traditions, including origami craft and the Tanabata Star Festival.

On the return bus, the students enjoyed playing a quiz game and listening to songs fromeach country, thoroughly enjoying the cultural exchange tour until the very end.
